Monday, September 29, 2008

Ditch Girls

So here it is. My very first blog, unless you consider facebook updates in that catagory.

I want to share a project I have been working on with you. It is called Ditch Girls. Many years ago I was driving down a windy country road, well actually my bf was driving and I was staring out the window at all the tall weeds shining in the late afternoon sun. My mind wandered and somehow I saw myself on a ladder straddling the ditch taking photos of women dressed in the weeds.

The visions of women in weeds would not leave my head, but I run my own boutique, am a mother, fire dancer and event planner and have very little spare time for extra projects in my life. So for years, about 5 to be precise, I left it to only imagining and went about my other adventures.

Then this June I had a contract to help facilitate a major fire production called Whizzbang: Stoked! The production was based on Nanaimo's coal mining history. And the research took me to many old mining areas and on long walks down train tracks.

The spring had been really wet this year, which had made the plants jurassic in size. And being surrounded by all the beautiful thriving native plants made my desire to start doing these photo shoots really strong.

Then I discovered a place called Mordin Mine. What happened there was what gave me the overwhelming urge to begin. I will explain more tomorrow. But for now I will leave you with one of the photos from the first photo shoot that I did and offer you my website in case you would like to see more.

Good night,

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